Exam Code of Conduct
- Students should reach 15 minutes prior in the exam hall.
- Bags and books must be deposited in the common room.
- Students should enter the details on the answer sheets at the start of the exam.
- Follow the rules for the materials to be taken in the exam hall.
- Students should follow college dress code.
- The students must enter the class room with writing material and ID card only.
- For practicals, students should be in a neat ironed uniform with roll numbers displayed and should carry necessary practical kit in a transparent box.

Instructions for students during exams
Following Things are allowed In Exam Hall :
- Writing material
- Transparent writing pad
- Transparent pouch
- Water bottle
Following Things are Not allowed In Exam Hall :
- Wallet
- Money
- Mobile, smart watches or any electronic device
- Chits
- Aprons