Awareness Camps
Awareness camps typically are sustained efforts to educate individuals and boost public awareness about an organization’s cause or issue. And in almost every instance we the faculty and students at K J Somaiya School and College of Nursing educate the community on various aspects of health, it’s prevention and cure. We conduct camps like early cancer signs detection, diabetes care, anaemia detection and to name a few. We aim to reach out to the public regularly, measuring that outreach accurately, and motivating the public to take action. We adhere to achieve long-term lasting behavioural changes in the society and render a healthy community

Nutrition Activity
The benefits of developing healthy dietary and lifestyle patterns from an early age onwards can positively impact on people’s nutrition and health throughout their adult lives, and enhance the productivity of individuals and nations. Therefore we implement school health and nutrition programmes, including school feeding, deworming, vitamin and mineral supplementation, etc. Innovative, creative and effective school nutrition education programmes and nutrition week is celebrated in our college. Students also prepare a one day meal on various types of diet and present it.
Soft Skill
Soft skills focus on who people are, as opposed to what they are trained in. They serve to represent your approach to life and work. They are interpersonal skills hardwired to an individual’s personality, and they characterize how they interact with other people in the workplace. Managing in today’s dynamic and competitive environment calls for two critical capabilities from managers - the need to be functionally competent in a global context and the ability to set and drive organizational agenda for growth and performance. This calls for functional mastery combined with personal leadership. We aim to allow our students to manage this dual development agenda. It enhances our students skills, boost their confidence and help them shape their personality