Best Practices
DISHA (Directed Information Support and Health Awareness)
DISHA (Directed Information Support and Health Awareness) is initiated to provide structured guidelines for conducting a health education program aimed at antenatal and postnatal care. This program is designed to improve maternal and child health outcomes by empowering mothers with the knowledge and skills they need to care for themselves and their newborns.
In DISHA, healthcare providers like nursing institute faculty, nurses, doctors are involved in delivering health education on various important aspects to ANC and PNC mothers in healthcare settings.

ACER (Active Community Engagement in Rural)
Students have compulsory residential rural posting in Dahanu and Sakharwadi. This posting helps the students to experience rural practices and culture and provides community services through surveys,camps, home care and creating public awareness regarding health by performing street plays, exhibitions, organizing haldi kumkum etc. This posting also develops interpersonal relationships among students as well as faculty and fosters a spirit of oneness.
AJHAN (A Journey from Human to an Accomplished Nurse)
It fosters a collaborative, respectful and efficient workforce. AJHAN (A Journey from Human to an Accomplished Nurse) is inculcates the basic values, skills and molds the students to prepare them to become accomplished Nurse. It includes training on Interpersonal relationships, Soft skills development, empathy building and simulation as part of their curriculum. The positive feedback from the employers of our alumni reveals that the students are functioning effectively, resulting in improved quality of patient care.

STEP (Success towards Educational Progress)
Ongoing learning and development are required to improve the academic development of a student. Expert observation and reflection skills are mandatory. Each faculty is assigned 10 students eusuring equal distribution of the students among the available faculty. A mentor and mentee are assigned to each student. This process is mandatory for all students and the faculty
A written learning contract is taken from each student, indicating that they are responsible for their studies. This ensures improved academic performance of the students and the positive periodic feedback from the students indicates evidence of success.