About Us

About K J Somaiya College of Nursing

K.J. Somaiya Medical Trust owns and manages a Medical College Hospital and Research Center located at Ayurvihar, Mumbai. It is a healthcare organization committed to establish necessary facilities to render quality health care of international standards. Enhancements of the healthcare profession being one of the goals, the Management established a College of Nursing to educate and prepare nursing professionals dedicated to patient care. The College of nursing, commissioned in 2011, is affiliated to the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. The K. J. Somaiya College of Nursing offers a B. Sc. Nursing (Basic) Degree program of 4 years duration keeping in line with the guidelines provided by the Indian Nursing Council and Maharashtra State Nursing Council. 

With the view of expansion to meet the needs of the society and students, specialization in nursing was introduced by initiating M.Sc Nursing course of 2 years duration from the year 2021. The course is affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Science , Nashik and Indian Nursing Council , Delhi. The specialty offered are Critical Care Nursing, Obstetrical & Gynecological Nursing and Psychiatric Nursing.

The School of Nursing, another nursing education Institute, established in 1994, offers a 3 years Diploma program in General Nursing & Midwifery recognized by the Maharashtra State board of Nursing and  Paramedical Education and the Indian Nursing Council. On completion of the course, the Diploma is awarded to successful candidates by the Maharashtra Nursing council. The program is offered in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Governing regulatory bodies, and the certificate is recognised by the State & National Nursing Councils.

Both, the Nursing College as well as the School of Nursing are attached to a 550 bedded K. J. Somaiya Medical college hospital located at Ayurvihar, Sion for developing skills in delivery of health care services. Qualified and experienced faculty in nursing, plans and implements the education program prescribed by the nursing Council and the University. The program encompasses classroom teaching, a supervised clinical practice, Community Health Nursing Programs, and attitude & value building having multidimensional approach.

Class Room Study

Taps the cognitive domain: enables students to develop basic concepts in Nursing, Medical Sciences, and Humanities using modern teaching techniques.

Hands On

A supervised clinical practice: compliments theory with practical knowledge for developing the professional skills. The students are placed in various clinical speciality areas in the health care organizations under the guidance of well qualified nursing faculty to achieve greater degree of patient care skills.

Beyond Hospital

Community Health Nursing: is a community based program for rendering health care services to under-privileged section of the society using preventive, promotive, curative, and rehabilitative model for nursing practice. The students are exposed to Rural as well as Urban ares for Primary Health Care services offered by Government establishments.

Experiential Learning

Out of the Class Room exercises: Attitude Development, Value Building, and Self Development , an 'Add-On Program' is formally and informaly inculcated into the students through various curricular & extracurricular activities.

To sum up, the undergraduate nursing program, student's are directed to develop critical thinking abilities and competencies in practice of professional nursing (general) and Midwifery as envisaged in National Health Policy 2002.

The program prepares graduates to be examplary citizens by following the code of conduct and professional ethics at all times. Besides, Attitude Development and Value Building facilitates, grooming of the students' personality is also catered so as to earn special recognition as a member of professional fraternity.



The prime aim of the college is to give best grandeur of knowledge to students so that they grow professionally and personally.


K J Somaiya School and College have highly experienced professionals who have developed a deep limelight into the syllabi and trends in their subjects.


We, at K J Somaiya School and College, motivate the faculties and the students to facilitate research for the benefits of self as well as the society.

Student Development

The curriculum encompasses to ensure that the individual student are given focused attention for their complete personal and professional development.